Modern Frontend Developer

Hello guys! Here I am again after a troubled year where I barely wrote for the blog. This year, I promise that it will be different. One of my new years’ resolutions, it is to write regularly on my blog. I had a lot of ideas, but I couldn’t organize myself to take time in the week to write, so this year, I will try to do that.

A funny fact is that this post it’s not about any of those ideas, but for a recent situation which I had in my job. This week I was talking about Design Patterns with a friend who works as a backend developer. He talked about how he would implement this pattern in our project if he had that opportunity. We also talked about the Hexagonal Architecture Pattern and how this would be good for our project, thinking about to isolate the necessity to use a specific framework and other technical stuff. After this long conversation, I reminded about another talk I had with another developer in the office in which I was explaining about PWA and how this would increase the UX of our platform applying a few technics in our front-end encouraging our user to use more our web version instead of our app.

Thinking about these conversations I realized how much things have changed over the years. When I started my career, at the beginning of 2012, if you had a medium knowledge about HTML/CSS, know how to use jQuery and be good with PHP, by example, was enough for you to get a good job. With advanced of the web and the boom of frameworks, the complexity of projects increased and the quality too. Have Fullstack Developers working on big projects, was replaced for having specialist either in the backend as the frontend, because of the necessity of those stacks increased.

Analyzing the requirements for some jobs, currently, to have a solid knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript is only the basic. A professional has to handle a lot of technologies, like create a SPA (Single Page Application), know how to implement PWA (Progressive Web App) in an application. Have experience with some CSS preprocessor like SASS or LESS also with some task runner like Gulp or Grunt to automating your tasks. It’s required to know how to set up Webpack for module your application and optimize your development. Another thing is to have knowledge about how to create and test an application and know how to work using TDD (Test Driven Development). Also, know about the three most used frameworks currently (React, Angular and Vue) and have solid knowledge in at least one of them. And things like UI/UX and a lot of others that I could spend the rest of the day writing here.

Work with Front-end at a high level it’s currently most difficult than in the past but also much more valued. The companies are giving more priority for front-end and the user experience of their application, which means: more opportunities, higher salaries, and recognition for us.