So... It's Christmas!

Hello everyone, today I will talk about a thing that is not connected into the technology world or nothing like that, today I’ll talk about Christmas.

Here in Brazil, we consume a lot of American movies and TV shows, and since we’re children, we have this idea of Christmas that doesn’t correspond to our reality. In the movies and the TV shows, Christmas is in the winter, have snow and the people normally celebrate in day 25. Families reunited, turkey and all the things that we already saw in the movies. Here in Brazil, it’s quite different, first because the whether, it’s summer here, so there isn’t snow or cold, but only temperatures over 30°c and sometimes rain, because it’s so warm in the day, that in the night rains a lot. Here, we have a tradition to celebrate in the previously night, in December 24th. All the families reunites and when it’s 11:59pm off December 24th, we hope anxiously for the next minute to wish Marry Christmas to everyone. Normally, it’s after this that we start to exchange gifts.

But here in Brazil we also celebrate the Christmas giving a party. Some people likes to have a barbecue, with a many beers and music for been celebrating until dawn. It’s normal here we buy new clothes and use for the fist time in the Christmas night. It’s like a tradition, we buy nice clothes, and use for dinner. There’s also people that celebrate in the church. Brazil is one of the biggest Catholic country in the world, and there’s so many people which are going on the previously day for Church, and celebrate the passage to Christmas day with other believers. My grandmother is one of these people. About after 2am, she comes back to home to celebrate with our family.

I know that the Christmas it’s supposed to be a happy time, but in the reality, for many people who suffer from diseases like depression, anxiety and others, it’s not a happy time. It’s already comproved that the number of people who commit suicide it’s larger in the Christmas than in the rest of the year. So the idea of this post, it’s to show the world the different ways to celebrate the Christmas here in Brazil, but I know that there are so many others ways to celebrate around the world and even around Brazil, so doesn’t matter the way that you choose pass the Christmas, pass in the way that make you feel happy, even if you pass alone, I already passed alone in my bedroom watching NCAA Football and it was awesome lol.

So I would like to wish to everyone who spent your time reading this publication a Merry Christmas and thanks for let me share a few of my thoughts with you.